Friday, September 17, 2010

*Breaking News*

The Alaskan Review

There are strong rumors that Murkowski will try to be the next Strom Thurmond, the last senator to run a successful write-in campaign in 1954.


Bonnie Jack, an elections observer for the Murkowski campaign sent out an email today that invited supporters to the "kickoff of Sen. Lisa Murkowski's campaign." and to: "Write in her name and fill in the oval. We plan to make history." 

"She's our senior senator. She is the best thing that Alaska has had for years and years, not taking anything away from Ted Stevens. She knows what Alaska needs, she knows what Alaska wants, and she works her hardest to get it done..." Jack also stated.

Senator Murkowski will make an official announcement at 5PM local time.

more as info becomes available...

*Breaking News*

The Alaskan Review reports today that staffers of the Tea Party Express were ferried around the state on a Holland America cruise ship. The tickets for the cruise were $1,499, but the group maintains that it was cheaper than buying plane tickets, paying for hotel rooms, and feeding the staffers.

The cruise allowed the staffers to attend and organize events at every port that the ship stopped at, according to Tea Party Express political director Bryan Shroyer. The group was founded last year in Sacramento by several veteran GOP operatives to take in the resurgence in grassroots support, known as the Tea Party movement.

"Employees would regularly run up bar tabs of more than $1,000 a week and charge it to Russo, Marsh or King Media, which would then bill TPE for the expense under a concocted fee." said Kelly Eustis, a consultant who worked for Tea Party Express. She left in October 2009 according to the Daily Caller.

This is interesting since Joe Miller didn't  even file paperwork to run against Murkowski until 4 months ago.

more to come....